Fellowship Archive


Professor JJ Schacter opened the Fellowship with two powerful presentations on the first two days. His first lecture explored the value of Klal Yisrael – a value intrinsic to the mission of the NGF. Utilizing a range of sources, some Talmudic and some historic, Professor Schacter’s presentation initiated a lively discussion among the group. The following day, Professor Schacter introduced a very diverse array of Jewish sources, from ancient to modern times, taking the Fellows through the journey of shifting Jewish identities through the ages.

After looking at Jewish life and Jewish leadership through the lens of our sources, Professor Danny Fainstein took the group through an interactive program wherein the Fellows joined together in their respective regions and mapped the successes and failures of their respective communities.

In a first for the Fellowship, Friday saw an outing to the cemetery alongside the Kinneret that is home to many of the early Zionist pioneers. Facilitated by Professor Moti Zeira, this outing introduced the Fellows to some of the thoughts and feelings of these early pioneers, who understood their Jewish identity very differently their antecedents.

The final night of the Fellowship was a gala affair, as the Fellows joined together with Board members of the MFJC to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture.