About Nahum Goldmann

“Ben Gurion once reproached me with being a wandering Jew, I answered that some people have their roots in themselves and have no need to put them down in any particular soil…. I once told Ben-Gurion that he considered problems from the viewpoint of Sde Boker, his little kibbutz, whereas I saw them from a plane flying twelve thousand metres high. It is a different approach.”

Dr. Nahum Goldmann

The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, the only international body dedicated solely to advancing Jewish cultural activities, was established by Dr. Nahum Goldmann in 1965 with reparation funds from the then government of West Germany.

Nahum Goldmann was a remarkable visionary and an extraordinary leader whose history mirrors that of the Jewish people and the state of Israel.

He was the chief architect of the pact pledging West Germany to pay reparations to Israel and to individual Jews for acts committed during the Nazi Holocaust; he was president of the World Zionist Organization; the founder of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations; and served for many years as President of the World Jewish Congress, which he helped to found in 1936.

In January 2003, Beit Hatfutsot, the Museum of the Jewish Diaspora (which Goldmann helped found) hosted an exhibition, Statesman without a State: Nahum Goldmann, 1894-1982. The exhibition accompanied an international conference on Goldmann, marking the 20th anniversary of his passing (under the auspices of the Zionist Research Institute at Tel Aviv University, in cooperation with Brandeis University and with the support of the Claims Conference and the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture).

Quotes and Anecdotes

Nahum Goldmann used his knowledge of Jewish history and his personal equation of imagination, power of persuasion and love of the Jewish people for leading in the second part of the twentieth century the programs of reconstruction of the Jewish institutions that had been destroyed in its first part, as well as inventing new ones.

Bettina Roth, personal friend of Dr. Nahum Goldmann.

“Dr. Goldmann was a man of rare ability for oratory and brilliant rhetoric. He was at one point the bridge that joined continents and movements in the life of the Zionist movement”

Shimon Peres

Human dignity is possible only if human beings believe in their capability to change trends, to influence events and to avert tragedies.

Nahum Goldmann – “The Tasks of Jewish Leadership Today” WJC Plenary Assembly, Jerusalem, February 1975